Eastern Idaho Home Builders Association (EIHBA)

NAHB No. 1340
Our hours of operations are M-F 9:00am-3:00pm email: office@eihba.org to set up a time to meet, or to ask questions.
Meeting: 2nd Tuesday of the month
Dues: Builder $500/Associates $455
Parade of Homes dates are: September 12th, 13th , 14th, September 18th, 19th, 20th 2024
Counties served: Clark, Butte, Jefferson, Bonneville, Teton, Madison, Fremont and Bingham

Executive Officer

Amy Blankenship

2048 E. 17th St Suite D
Idaho Falls, ID 83403-1782
Phone: (208) 552-7032
Fax: (208) 542-4552
Email Address:office@eihba.org
Website: http://eastidahobuilders.com

Local President

Rick Michaelson

Copper Creek Homes
